This Workgroup Meeting

1. Some general comments on Assignment report

2. Work on Assignment 1: Exploratory analysis

General comments for Assignment 1

based on practicals:

  • Annotate code

  • Write text to explain your steps

  • Explain variables clearly (in text)

  • Choose what to include
    > Use head(), warnings=FALSE, make tables

  • Style plots, tables, text

Assignment 1

You perform a multiple linear regression analysis in R and report this using R markdown. The assignment will be graded on the following elements:

  • Context: Introduction of your research questions, description and potential processing of your data. (Week 1 & 2)
  • Exploratory data analysis: Inspection of potential interesting relations in the data. (Week 3)
  • Linear regression: Description of the building process, the model fit, and the model comparison procedure. (Week 4)
  • Assumptions: Testing of model assumptions, checking for outliers and influential cases. Act upon and reflect on violations when needed. (Week 5)
  • Interpretation: Substantive interpretation of the final model. Answers to your research questions. (Week 5)
  • Layout: Structure of the document, output is efficiently presented, custom functions are developed when needed. Graphs are used where fitting. (Week 3)

Assignment 1 - So far

You perform a multiple linear regression analysis in R and report this using R markdown. The assignment will be graded on the following elements:

Context: Introduction of your research questions, description and potential processing of your data. (Week 1 & 2)

Exploratory data analysis: Inspection of potential interesting relations in the data. (Week 3)

Layout: Structure of the document, output is efficiently presented, custom functions are developed when needed. Graphs are used where fitting. (Week 3)

Remainder of Meeting

Work on exploratory data analysis.

For next meeting: prepare yourself so you can do the linear regression steps in the meeting next week.