This Workgroup Meeting

Linear Regression

  • Recap R output
  • Continue group assignment: apply practical to own data set.
    • Build model step by step.
    • Moderation (categorical variable).
    • Model comparison.

Recap on R output - Iris data

Recap on R output - Iris levels

Recap on R output - Simple model

Recap on R output - Plot with intervals

Code for intervals:

predict(model, newdata = data, interval = c(“confidence”/“prediction”), level = .95)

Recap on R output - Complex model

Assignment 1 - Next part

Continue with group assignment by adding a new part. Present output in nice figures and tables, and always explain your steps, decisions and consequences of your decisions.


  • Model building
  • Moderation
  • Model comparisons
  • Interpretation of the output
  • Say something about inference and prediction

Evaluation points

In grading this part of the assignment, the following aspects will be considered:

  • Model building
  • Model comparison
  • Interpretation of model output
  • Illustration of prediction
  • Can we follow and reproduce all the steps you take?
  • Output presented concisely
  • Does the output and figures you present serve the right purpose?

For Next Meeting

Keep working on your assignment! Deadline (Monday 16th of December, 17:00) approaches faster than you think!