Practical 5In this practical, the assumptions of the linear regression model will be discussed. You will practice with checking the different assumptions, and practice with accounting for some of the assumptions with additional steps. Please note that these assumptions can only be checked once you have selected a (final) model, as these assumptions ‘need’ a model that they apply to.
We will use the following packages in this practical:
For the first part of this practical, a data set from a fish market is used. You can find the dataset in the surfdrive folder. The variables in this fish data set are:
Download the dataset from the Surfdrive folder, store it in the
folder of your Rproject
for this practical and open it in
. Also, adjust the column names according to the code
below to make them a bit more intuitive.
# Read in the data set
data_fish <- read.csv("Fish.csv")
colnames(data_fish) <- c("species", "weigth", "vertical_length", "diagonal_length", "cross_length", "height", "diagonal_width")
# Check the data set with the 'head' function to have a general impression.
data_fish %>%
We will now discuss and check the various model assumptions of linear regression. If steps can be taken to account for a violated assumption, this will also be touched upon.
With the assumption of linearity, it is assumed that the relation between the dependent and independent variables is (more or less) linear. You can check this by generating a scatterplot using a predictor variable and outcome variable of the regression model.
aes(x = vertical_length, y = cross_length)) +
geom_point() +
geom_smooth(se = FALSE) +
ggtitle("linear relation is present") +
xlab("vertical length in cm") +
ylab("cross length in cm")
ggplot(data_fish, aes(x = weigth, y = height)) +
geom_point() +
geom_smooth(se = FALSE) +
ggtitle("linear relation is missing") +
xlab("Weigth in gram") +
ylab("heigth in cm")
# The first plot shows a case where there is a more or less linear relation (Vertical length of the fish and cross length of the fish). In the second plot, the relation is clearly not linear.
When a non-linear relation is present, you can either choose another model to use, or transform the predictor before adding it to the model, for example using a log-transformation. Applying a transformation, however, will not always solve the problem, and makes interpretation of the model less intuitive.
data_fish$weigth_trans <- data_fish$weigth %>%
ggplot(data_fish, aes(x = weigth_trans, y = height)) +
geom_point() +
geom_smooth(method = "loess", se = FALSE) +
ggtitle("linear relation improved") +
xlab("Weigth in gram") +
ylab("heigth in cm")
# You see that the relation is still not completely linear, but a lot more linear than before the transformation (plot 2).
The first part of this assumption is easy to check: see if the number of observations minus the number of predictors is a positive number. The second part can be checked by either obtaining correlations between the predictors, or by determining the VIF (variance inflation factor). When the VIF is above 10, this indicate high multicollinearity. To account for this, predictors can be excluded from the model, or a new variable can be constructed based on predictors with a high correlation.
To examine VIF scores, the function VIF()
from the
can be used on a prespecified model. If this model
includes a categorical variable with multiple categories, such as
‘species’ in the example data, the generalized VIF is used, and we have
to look at the third column (GVIF^*(1/(2*Df))), these values can be
compared to normal VIF values.
as outcome
variable using all other variables in the dataset as predictors. Save
this model as model_fish1
. Calculate VIF values for this
model.model_fish1 <- lm(weigth ~.,
data = data_fish[,1:7])
model_fish1 %>%
## GVIF Df GVIF^(1/(2*Df))
## species 1509.77571 6 1.840388
## vertical_length 2360.42508 1 48.584206
## diagonal_length 4307.91811 1 65.634732
## cross_length 2076.93715 1 45.573426
## height 56.20370 1 7.496913
## diagonal_width 29.16651 1 5.400602
# The VIF values in this first model are extreme in some cases, more specifically for the three variables that all measure some aspect of length, it makes sense that these values can be highly correlated. One way to solve this, is excluding predictors that almost measure the same thing as another variable.
# A straightforward solution is to include only one of the variables measuring an aspect of length. More elaborate solutions exist but are not covered in this course.
. Describe if there is an
improvement.model_fish2 <- lm(weigth ~ species + diagonal_length + height + diagonal_width,
data = data_fish)
model_fish2 %>%
## GVIF Df GVIF^(1/(2*Df))
## species 218.36805 6 1.566507
## diagonal_length 28.17950 1 5.308437
## height 54.91084 1 7.410185
## diagonal_width 28.52222 1 5.340620
# We chose to go with a model which only includes `diagonal_length`, as this variable had the highest VIF value and therefore is able to best grasp the variance that is also measured by the other two length variables. However which strategy is most appropriate can differ per situation. We see now that the VIF values have returned to 'normal' values (although still a bit high).
# If there are more predictors than observations, the model can not be identified and the parameters cannot be estimated
For this assumption, the expected value of the errors (mean of the errors) must be 0. Furthermore, The errors must be independent of the predictors.
# Not meeting this assumption results in biased estimates for the regression coefficients.
This assumptions is also called ‘the assumption of homoscedasticity’.
It states that the variance of the error terms should be constant over
all levels of the predictors. This can be checked by plotting the
residuals against the fitted values. These plots can be obtained by
simply taking the first plot of a specified model,
, which is the first plot generated by the
function.model_fish1 %>%
data, and specify a model
where sepal length is predicted by all other variables and save this as
.data_iris <- iris
model_iris1 <- lm(Sepal.Length ~ .,
data = data_iris)
model_iris1 %>%
# In the `iris_data` plot, it can be seen that the red line is quite constant. Also, the dots seem to have a rather constant variance. In the `fish_data` plot, however, the variance in error terms seems smaller for the lower values than for the higher values. This second plot indicates heteroscedasticity and indicates that the assumption is violated.
# If this assumption is violated, estimated standard errors are biased.
This assumption states that error terms should have no correlation. Dependence of the errors can result from multiple things. First, there is a possible dependence in the error terms when there is serial dependence, for example because the data contains variables that are measured over time. Another reason can be when there is a cluster structure in the data, for example students in classes in schools.
# Temporal dependence can be checked by investigating the autocorrelation, while clustered data can be found by investigating the intra class correlation (ICC).
# More important: dealing with these dependencies requires another model (multilevel for clustered data, or a model that account for the time aspect). Those models are out of the scope of this course, but always be aware of a theoretical dependency between your errors.
This assumption states that errors should be roughly normally distributed. Like the assumption of homoscedasticity, this can be checked by model plots, provided by R.
, which is the
second plot generated by the plot()
function. Indicate
whether the assumption is met.model_iris1 %>%
is predicted by cross_length
and store the model as model_fish3
.model_fish3 <- lm(diagonal_width ~ cross_length,
data = data_fish)
.model_fish3 %>%
# In the two plots above, QQ plots are provided for the 2 models. For the first model, the error terms follow the ideal line pretty well, and the assumption holds. In the second plot, the tails deviate quite a lot from the intended line, and it can be debated that the assumption is violated.
# The assumption is important in smaller samples (n < 30). In bigger samples, violating the assumption is less of a big problem. For prediction intervals however, normality of errors is always wanted.
Outliers are observations that show extreme outcomes compared to the other data, or observations with outcome values that fit the model very badly. Outliers can be detected by inspecting the externally studentized residuals.
and plot
for `model_fish1. What do
you conclude?model_fish1 %>%
rstudent() %>%
# There is at least one clear outlier around observation number 70.
.model_iris1 %>%
rstudent() %>%
from the
package. Define a regression model where animals’ body
weight is predicted by brain weight and store it as
.data_animals <- Animals
model_animals1 <- lm(body ~ brain,
data = data_animals)
# There are not really any clear outliers to worry about.
.model_animals1 %>%
rstudent() %>%
# Observation number 26 is an extreme outlier.
High-leverage observations are observations with extreme predictor values. To detect these observations, we look at their leverage values. These values can be summarized in a leverage plot.
of the
model.model_animals1 %>%
hatvalues() %>%
# In the leverage plot, observation 7 and 15 stand out from the other observations. When you look at the data set, you can notice that both of these observations are elephant species.
# A case with high leverage is not necessarily bad: the influence on the model is more important.
Both outliers and observations with high leverage are not necessarily a problem. Cases that are both, however, seem to form more of a problem. These cases can influence the model heavily and can therefore be problematic.
Influence measures come in two sorts: Cook’s distance checks for influential observations, while DFBETAS check for influential, and possible problematic, observations per regression coefficients.
, check Cooks distance by
plotting the cooks.distance
of the model.model_animals1 %>%
cooks.distance() %>%
, check the DFBETAS by using
the function dfbetas
main = "intercept")
main = "slope")
# Note that because of the structure of the output of `dfbetas` it is not very convenient to process it using a pipe structure.
# Case 26, the earlier spotted outlier, has in all three plots an outstanding value. There is reason to assume that this observation is problematic.
data_animals2 <- data_animals[-26,]
.model_animals2 <- lm(body ~ brain,
data = data_animals2)
describe the changes.summary(model_animals1)
## Call:
## lm(formula = body ~ brain, data = data_animals)
## Residuals:
## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
## -4316 -4312 -4242 -3806 82694
## Coefficients:
## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
## (Intercept) 4316.32258 3465.24131 1.246 0.224
## brain -0.06594 2.42114 -0.027 0.978
## Residual standard error: 16790 on 26 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared: 2.853e-05, Adjusted R-squared: -0.03843
## F-statistic: 0.0007417 on 1 and 26 DF, p-value: 0.9785
## Call:
## lm(formula = body ~ brain, data = data_animals2)
## Residuals:
## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
## -1653.1 -876.8 -814.4 -778.9 10855.6
## Coefficients:
## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
## (Intercept) 810.1594 616.6065 1.314 0.201
## brain 0.6855 0.4231 1.620 0.118
## Residual standard error: 2930 on 25 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared: 0.09501, Adjusted R-squared: 0.05881
## F-statistic: 2.625 on 1 and 25 DF, p-value: 0.1178
# We see that the model changes quite a bit: the intercept becomes much lower, and the slope even changes direction (negative to positive).
model_animals2 %>%
cooks.distance() %>%
main = "intercept")
main = "slope")
# We see that new influential observations arise. These were earlier overshadowed by observation 26. If you look at these cases, you see these are the cases with very heavy animals. In this case the solution should be to transform the data and take the log of the weights, instead of these values. This means that the assumption of linearity was probably not met for this data set.*