Assignment 1: Path Analysis

For the first assignment, you will work in groups to apply a path model that describes how several (observed) variables could be causally related.

The components of the first assignment are described below.

  1. Choose a suitable dataset, and describe the data.
    • You can use any of the 8 datasets linked below.
    • Provide some form of citation for the data source
    • Provide descriptive statistics for important demographics (e.g., sex, age, SES) and the substantive variables that you will use to estimate your model.
  2. State the research question; define and explicate the theoretical path model.
    • This model must include, at least, three variables.
    • Include a path diagram that represents your theoretical model.
    • Explain the conceptual fit between your theory and your model.
  3. Translate your theoretical path model into lavaan syntax, and estimate the model.
    • Submit the (clean) R script along with your report.
      • Submit this R script as a separate file, not part of your report.
    • Include the lavaan syntax used to estimate your path models in your report.
  4. Report the results
    • Evaluate the model assumptions.
    • Provide relevant output in a suitable format.
    • Include measures of explained variance for the dependent variables.
  5. Discuss the results.
    • Use your results to answer the research question.
    • Consider the strengths and limitations of your analysis.
    • Discuss any important decisions that could have influence your results.


See the Grading section below for more information on how Assignment 1 will be evaluated.

You can access an evaluation matrix for Assignment 1 here.

  • This matrix gives an indication of what level of work constitutes insufficient, sufficient, and excellent responses to the five components described above.


Assignment 1 is due at 23:59 on Wednesday 2 October 2024.

  • Submit your report via the Assignment 1 portal on Blackboard.