Assignment 3: Full Structural Equation Model

In the third assignment, you will work individually to apply a full SEM that describes how several (latent) variables could be causally related.

You will include both your CFA and SEM results in your write-up. The inferences that you draw from an SEM are only valid if the underlying measurement model holds. So, the first step in reporting any SEM (at least any SEM that includes estimated latent constructs) is demonstrating the validity of the measurement model by reporting your CFA results.

The components of the third assignment are described below.

  1. Choose a suitable dataset, and describe the data.
    • Ideally, you will work with the same data that you analyzed in Assignments 1 & 2.
    • If you want to switch, you can use any of the 8 datasets linked below.
  2. State the research question; define and explicate the theoretical SEM.
    • The structural component of this model must include, at least, three variables.
    • The structural model must include, at least, two latent variables.
    • At least one independent variable in your model must be latent.
    • Use a path diagram to represent your model.
  3. Report the results of your CFA.
    • Provide relevant output in a suitable format.
    • Include suitable parameter estimates.
    • Include measures of explained variance for the observed indicators.
    • Include measures of model fit.
    • Evaluate the model assumptions.
  4. Translate your theoretical SEM into lavaan syntax, and estimate the model.
    • Submit the (clean) R script along with your report.
      • Submit this R script as a separate file, not part of your report.
    • Include the lavaan syntax used to estimate your SEM and CFA models in your report.
  5. Report the results of your SEM.
    • Provide relevant output in a suitable format.
    • Include suitable parameter estimates.
    • Include measures of model fit.
    • Include measures of explained variance for the latent dependent variables.
  6. Discuss the results.
    • Use your results to answer the research question.
    • Consider the strengths and limitations of your analysis.
    • Discuss any important decisions that could have influence your results.


See the Grading section below for more information on how the component scores represented in the rubric are combined into an overall assignment grade.

You can access an evaluation matrix for Assignment 3 here.

  • This matrix gives an indication of what level of work constitutes insufficient, sufficient, and excellent responses to the six components described above.


Assignment 3 is due at 23:59 on Sunday 3 November 2024.

  • Submit your report via the Assignment 3 portal on Blackboard.