Elaboration & Tips
The three assignments are meant to build upon one another. So, you should plan on analyzing the same dataset for all three assignments and choose a theoretical model that will satisfy the requirements of all three assignments. To facilitate this progression, consider the following points.
- For A2 and A3, your theoretical model must include two or more latent
constructs. At least one of the latent constructs must act as in IV in your
- When specifying your model for A1, ensure that you use at least two scale scores constructed from three or more items each.
- Make sure to include at least one of these scale scores as an IV.
- We will not cover methods for estimating latent variables from categorical
- When specifying the latent constructs/scale scores in your model, do not use nominal items and try to avoid ordinal items with fewer than five levels.
- We will not cover methods for latent variable interactions.
- When specifying your theoretical model in A1, do not include any interactions involving scale scores (i.e., variables that will be latent constructs in A3).
- EXCEPTION: You may specify an interaction between a scale score/latent
construct and a nominal grouping variable (e.g., sex, nationality,
- You will learn how to test this type of hypothesis via multiple-group SEM in Week 7.
Recycling Prior Work
Since each assignment should build on its predecessor, you’ll inevitably find yourself in the position of needing to document exactly the same things across assignments. In such circumstances, you’ll undoubtedly be wondering if you can reuse some of your previous writing.
Yes. You’re free to reuse parts of your reports across all three assignments. There are some minor caveats to this statement, however.
- When reusing prior work, make sure to address any feedback that you received
on that work.
- Uncorrected mistakes in copied passages will incur especially harsh penalties in the grading process.
- Make sure to update any recycled passages to suit the most recent analyses.
- A path diagram from A1 won’t be valid for A2 or A3.
- A description of your theoretical model from A1 that refers to “scale scores”, won’t be valid for A3.
- Don’t keep irrelevant parts of past assignments.
- Your grade will be penalized for including extraneous information.
Theoretical Model & Research Question
You need to provide some justification for your model and research question, but only enough to demonstrate that you’ve actually conceptualized and estimated a theoretically plausible statistical model (as opposed to randomly combining variables until lavaan returns a pretty picture).
- You have several ways to show that your model is plausible.
- Use common-sense arguments.
- Reference (a small number of) published papers.
- Replicate an existing model/research question.
- Don’t provide a rigorous literature-supported theoretical motivation.
- You don’t have the time to conduct a thorough literature review, and we don’t have the time to read such reviews when grading.
- Literature review is not one of the learning goals for this course, so you cannot get “bonus points” for an extensive literature review.
You are free to test any plausible model that meets the size requirements.
- You can derive your own model/research question or you can replicate a published analysis.
Model Specifications
We will not cover methods for modeling categorical outcome variables. So, use only continuous variables as outcomes.
- DVs in path models and the structural parts of SEMs
- Observed indicators of latent factors in CFA/SEM
NOTE: You may treat ordinal items as continuous, for the purposes of these assignments.
We will not cover methods for latent variable interactions.
- Don’t specify a theoretical model that requires an interaction involving a latent construct.
There is one exception to the above prohibition. If the moderator is an observed grouping variable, you can estimate the model as a multiple-group model. We’ll cover these methods in Week 7.
You need to show that you’re thinking about the assumptions and their impact on your results, but you don’t need to run thorough model diagnostics. Indeed, the task of checking assumptions isn’t nearly as straight forward in path analysis, CFA, and SEM as it is in linear regression modeling. You won’t be able to directly apply the methods you have learned for regression diagnostics, for example.
Since all of our models are estimated with normal-theory maximum likelihood, the fundamental assumption of all the models we’ll consider in this course boils down to the following.
All random variables in my model are i.i.d. multivariate normally distributed.
So, you can get by with basic data screening and checking the observed random variables in your model (i.e., all variables other than fixed predictors) for normality.
- Since checking for multivariate normality is a bit tricky, we’ll only ask you to evaluate univariate normality.
- You should do these evaluations via graphical means.
To summarize, we’re looking for the following.
- Consider whether the measurement level of your data matches the assumptions of your model.
- Check your variables for univariate outliers.
- If you find any outliers, either treat them in some way or explain why you are retaining them for the analysis.
- Check for missing data.
- For the purposes of the assignment, you can use complete case analysis to work around the missing data.
- If you’re up for more of a challenge, feel free to try multiple imputation or full information maximum likelihood.
- Evaluate the univariate normality of any random, observed variables in your
- E.g., DVs in path models, observed IVs modeled as random variables, indicators of latent factors
- If you fit a multiple-group model for Assignment 3, do this evaluation within groups.
- Use graphical tools to evaluate the normality assumption.
- Normal QQ-Plots
- Histograms
Reporting Standards
What do we mean by reporting your results “in a suitable format”? Basically, put some effort into making your results readable, and don’t include a bunch of superfluous information. Part of demonstrating that you understand the analysis is showing that you know which pieces of output convey the important information.
- Tabulate your results; don’t directly copy the R output.
- Don’t include everything lavaan gives you.
- Include only the output needed to understand your results and support your conclusions.
The purpose of statistical data analysis is to provide empirical evidence for or against some theory/hypothesis/model. Therefore, the way you document your analysis and report your results must serve this basic purpose, first and foremost.
- Support any potentially refutable claims with appropriate statistics from your analysis or a suitable citation.
- Not every statement needs supporting evidence.
- Scientific laws
- Physical constants
- Logical (in the technical sense) implications of irrefutable antecedents
- Your own opinions (assuming you’re not trying to pass them off as facts)
The next three subsections cover some specific considerations for reporting common classes of statistical results.
Significance Tests
Any claim of a significant effect must be supported by relevant statistical evidence.
- Match your test to your hypothesis
- Directional hypothesis \(\Rightarrow\) one-tailed test
- Hypothesis of any non-zero effect \(\Rightarrow\) two-tailed test
- For any test of an estimated parameter (e.g., mean, mean difference, regression coefficient, covariance), report the parameter estimate.
- When using a test statistic (e.g., t, Z, F, \(\chi^2\)) to conduct the test,
- The estimated test statistic
- The degrees of freedom for the test statistic
- The p-value for the test statistic
- When \(p \ge 0.001\), report the computed p-value rounded to three decimal places.
- Otherwise, report the p-value as \(p < 0.001\).
- When using a confidence interval to conduct the test:
- Clearly indicate the confidence level used to define the interval
- For directional hypotheses/one-tailed tests, only report the relevant interval bound, and report the other bound as \(\pm \infty\).
- When using \(\chi^2\) difference tests for significance testing, report
- The \(\Delta \chi^2\) statistic
- The \(\Delta \mathit{df}\)
- The p-value for the \(\Delta \chi^2\)
Model Fit
Judging model fit is always a subjective process. The key is to provide a few pieces of convergent evidence to support the claimed degree of fit.
- Always report the \(\chi^2\), its degrees of freedom, and the associated p-value.
- Report at least two additional, non-redundant fit indices (i.e., indices that
quantify fit in different ways).
- If you don’t have a particular preference, I’d recommend CFI, RMSEA (and its 90% CI), and SRMR
Parameter Estimates
Obviously, you need to report any parameter estimates that directly represent some component of your theory (e.g., regression coefficients that quantify linear associations implied by your theory). You also need to report the significance tests for these parameters.
When evaluating a measurement model, a few key parameter matrices come into play. In addition to showing that your CFA model adequately fits the data, you should report the following parameter estimates:
- Latent variances and covariances
- Factor loadings
- Residual variances
If your CFA includes a mean structure, you should also report any estimated latent means and item intercepts.