Learning goals

In this course you will learn how to translate a social scientific theory into a statistical model, how to analyze your data with these models, and how to interpret and report your results following APA standards.

After completing the course, you will be able to:

  1. Translate a verbal theory into a conceptual model, and translate a conceptual model into a statistical model.
  2. Independently analyze data using the free, open-source statistical software R.
  3. Apply a latent variable model to a real-life problem wherein the observed variables are only indirect indicators of an unobserved construct.
  4. Use a path model to represent the hypothesized causal relations among several variables, including relationships such as mediation and moderation.
  5. Explain to a fellow student how structural equation modeling combines latent variable models with path models and the benefits of doing so.
  6. Reflect critically on the decisions involved in defining and estimating structural equation models.